What the Yin Yang Symbol Means for Your Pet

The History of the Yin Yang Symbol
The Yin Yang symbol, also known as the Taijitu, has its roots in ancient Chinese philosophy and represents the concept of dualism and harmony.
Historians have traced the Yin Yang symbol's history back to the philosophy of Taoism, which emerged in China around the 4th century B.C.E.
The earliest Chinese characters for yin and yang were found in inscriptions on "oracle bones."
Oracle bones are skeletal remains of various animals used in ancient Chinese divination practices as early as the 14th century B.C.E.
However, the earliest depiction of the Yin Yang symbol can be found in the I Ching (Book of Changes), an ancient Chinese divination text dating back to the 9th century B.C.E.
However, the symbol became more widely recognized and popularized during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE) in China.
The Meaning of the Yin Yang Symbol
The Yin Yang symbol is a circle divided into two teardrop-shaped halves.
One half is black, representing yin, and contains a small white dot. The other half is white, representing yang, and includes a small black dot.
The dots within each half symbolize the seed of the opposing force, indicating that yin contains yang and yang contains yin.
The curved line dividing the two halves signifies the dynamic interplay and interconnectedness between the two forces.
The term "yin yang" originates from the Chinese characters "yin" (阴) and "yang" (阳), which represent opposing and complementary forces.
Yin is associated with darkness, femininity, passivity, and the moon. In contrast, yang is associated with light, masculinity, activity, and the sun.

The philosophy behind the Yin Yang symbol stems from the Taoist belief in the interdependence and balance of opposing forces.
The concept explains how everything in the universe comprises the Yin and Yang complementary and interconnected aspects.
In other words, Yin and Yang are individual or absolute, but are relative to each other.
They are in a constant state of flux, transforming into one another in a perpetual cycle of balance and harmony.
Over time, the Yin Yang symbol has transcended its philosophical origins.
It has become a widely recognized symbol of balance and harmony, often associated with various aspects of Chinese culture, martial arts, and spirituality.
Its simple yet profound representation of the interplay between opposites continues to resonate with people across different cultures and belief systems.
The Ying Yang Symbol and TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine)
If your pet sees a TCVM-trained veterinarian, you've probably seen a Ying Yang symbol at the office during one of your visits.
It's a popular logo with TCVM vets because it displays a fundamental philosophy of how their practice can help improve your pet's health!
In Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM), the Yin Yang symbol holds just as much significance as it does with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctors for humans.
TCVM practitioners use the principles of Yin and Yang to understand and treat imbalances in animals.
In TCVM, the Yin Yang symbol represents the dynamic interplay between opposing forces within your pet's body and the surrounding environment.
It symbolizes the balance and harmony of Yin and Yang's energies required for optimal health and well-being.
Diagnosis & Treatment
In TCVM diagnosis and treatment, practitioners assess the balance of Yin and Yang within your pet's body.
They observe signs and symptoms to identify imbalances and disharmonies.
In Eastern theory, disease arises from imbalances or disruptions in the Qi, which can be caused by external factors, internal imbalances, or emotional distress.
The imbalances can manifest as excesses or deficiencies of Yin or Yang, leading to various health issues.
The Yin Yang symbol serves as a reminder that your pet's body is a complex system with interconnected energies.
It also illustrates how your pet achieves health through the harmonious interplay of Yin and Yang forces.
The concept is quite different than standard veterinary care!
Balancing Yin and Yang
Applying TCVM techniques, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, food therapy, and other modalities, aims to restore the balance of Yin and Yang energies in animals.
There are even things you can do at home to help your pet attain Yin Yang balance.
The goal is to promote the flow of Qi (vital energy) and achieve harmony within the body, supporting your pet's overall health and well-being.
Thus, in TCVM, the Yin Yang symbol represents the understanding and management of Yin and Yang energies in animals, emphasizing the importance of balance and harmony for maintaining optimal health.
Now, when you see a Yin Yang symbol on a veterinary clinic sign, business card, or pet food or health product, you will know why.
And, you'll know the services or products you're getting are well beyond the average.
How to Find a TCVM-Trained Veterinarian
It can be difficult finding a TCVM-trained veterinarian. However, we can help! We work with many talented veterinarians on a regular basis. The vets on our authorizing vet list are happy to help.
Another option is searching the American Holistic Veterinary Medicine Association's vet list.
If you're still having trouble finding a vet in your area, a third option is getting a TCVM telemedicine consultation with one of our founders, Dr. Smith or Dr. Damron.
If you get a TCVM telemedicine consultation with one of our veterinarians ($125), you'll get personalized TCVM recommendations specific to your pet, including:
- Food Therapy Recommendations
- TCVM Herb Recommendations & Veterinary Authorization
- Supplement Recommendations
- Alternative Medicine Recommendations
- Answers to Your Questions
You can learn more about our veterinarians and their expertise and/or schedule by visiting their websites:
- Marc Smith, DVM, MS - Natchez Trace Veterinary Services
- Casey Damron, DVM, CVA - White Oak Animal Hospital
- Yinyang (Yin-yang) | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (n.d.). https://iep.utm.edu/yinyang/
- Cartwright, M. (2023). Yin and Yang. World History Encyclopedia. https://www.worldhistory.org/Yin_and_Yang/