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Looking for a Natural Dog Anxiety Treatment? Try Herbsmith Calm Shen!

By :Becki Baumgartner, PhD 0 comments
Looking for a Natural Dog Anxiety Treatment? Try Herbsmith Calm Shen!

Looking for a natural dog anxiety treatment? 

Is your furry friend experiencing nervousness, hyperactivity, or discontentment?

Herbsmith Calm Shen might be just what you are looking for!

Herbsmith Calm Shen is a calming supplement for cats and dogs designed to help manage these challenges. 


Herbsmith Calm Shen is a calming blend of herbs to address anxious behavior in cats and dogs. It aids in reducing hyperactivity without causing drowsiness, helping pets remain alert yet calm during stressful situations such as separation, travel, loud noises (fireworks or thunderstorms), or changes in daily routines. Herbsmith Calm Shen also supports balanced emotional well-being and relieves pets experiencing restlessness due to environmental stress.

Behind the Formula

In Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM), anxious behavior results from disharmony within the body. Herbsmith Calm Shen combines Chinese herbs that help calm the spirit and support the balance between the heart and kidney while preserving your pet's unique vitality.

According to TCVM, the heart is more than just a blood-pumping organ—it houses the spirit and provides stability in the world. An imbalance between the heart's fire element (yang) and the kidney's water element (yin) can lead to nervousness and anxiety.

Excessive stress and aging may impact kidney function, affecting the heart's ability to maintain emotional equilibrium.

Herbsmith Calm Shen helps address these imbalances by supporting normal kidney function and tonifying heart yin and blood. This, in turn, calms the spirit and fosters a sense of relaxation in your pet.


Herbsmith Calm Shen is formulated with a blend of carefully selected Chinese herbs, each playing a specific role in supporting your pet's emotional and physical well-being:

  • Raw Rehmannia Root (sheng di huang): Nourishes blood, enriches kidney yin, and clears heat.
  • Asparagus Tuber (tian men dong): Enriches yin and clears heat from deficiency.
  • Ophiopogon Tuber (mai men dong): Enriches yin and clears heat from deficiency.
  • Angelica Tang Kuei (dang gui): Tonifies blood and nourishes the heart.
  • Schisandra Fruit (wu wei zi): Helps prevent leakage of heart Qi.
  • Biota Seed (bai zi ren): Calms the spirit.
  • Jujube Seed (suan zao ren): Helps prevent leakage of heart Qi.
  • Ginseng (ren shen): Assists heart Qi.
  • Scrophularia (xuan shen): Enriches yin and clears heat from deficiency.
  • Salvia (dan shen): Tonifies blood and nourishes the heart.
  • Poria (fu ling): Assists heart Qi.
  • Polygala (yuan zhi): Calms the spirit.
  • Platycodon (jie geng): Conducts other herbs' actions upward to the heart spirit.


Directions for Use

Herbsmith Calm Shen is available in powder and tablet forms for both cats and dogs.

You do not need a veterinarian's prescription or authorization to purchase Calm Shen.

Follow the recommended dosing based on your pet's weight.

Powder for Dogs

  • >0 – 3.75lbs: 1/16 tsp twice a day
  • 4 – 7.5lbs: 1/8 tsp twice a day
  • 8 – 14lbs: 1/4 tsp twice a day
  • 15 – 30 lbs: 1/2 tsp twice a day
  • 31 – 80 lbs: 1 tsp twice a day
  • 81 – 120 lbs: 1 1/2 tsp twice a day
  • >120 lbs: 2 tsp twice a day

Powder for Cats

  • >0 – 3.75lbs: 1/16 tsp twice a day
  • 4 – 7.5lbs: 1/8 tsp twice a day
  • 8 – 14lbs: 1/4 tsp twice a day
  • >15 lbs: 1/2 tsp twice a day

    Tablets for Dogs

    • >0 – 3.75lbs: 1/8 tablet twice a day
    • 4 – 7.5lbs: 1/4 tablet twice a day
    • 8 – 14lbs: 1/2 tablet twice a day
    • 15 – 30 lbs: 1 tablet twice a day
    • 31 – 80 lbs: 2 tablets twice a day
    • 81 – 120 lbs: 3 tablets twice a day
    • >120 lbs: 4 tablets twice a day

      Tablets for Cats

      • >0 – 3.75lbs: 1/8 tablet twice a day
      • 4 – 7.5lbs: 1/4 tablet twice a day
      • 8 – 14lbs: 1/2 tablet twice a day
      • >15 lbs: 1 tablet twice a day


        Herbsmith Calm Shen is not recommended for pregnant pets. If your pet's condition worsens or doesn't improve, stop administration and consult your veterinarian. An examination with your veterinarian is recommended before using the product. Avoid use within 48 hours of surgery or anesthesia.

        Discover the benefits of Herbsmith Calm Shen as a natural dog anxiety treatment.

        And, help your pet find a sense of calm and relaxation amidst life's challenges!

        Order Herbsmith Calm Shen today!


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