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PET | TAO Soothe Bladder Supplement for Dogs & Cats (120 Tablets) helps UTIs, Uva Ursi, Juniper Berry, Cranberry, Marshmallow Root

PET | TAO Soothe Bladder Supplement (120 Tablets)


Yes! Soothe Bladder is safe for and helps cats as well as dogs!

However, cats are much more discerning eaters than most dogs, so we recommend crushing the half tablet and mixing it in something your cat likes to eat.

  • have accidents in the house?
  • have dark and cloudy urine or show blood?
  • strain to urinate?
  • drink more water than usual?
  • licks his or her urinary openings?
  • Show lethargy, vomiting or won’t eat?
These bladder symptoms could be caused by a urinary tract infection or something more serious such as:
  • Kidney failure
  • Cushing's disease
  • Diabetes
  • Bladder tumor
  • Bladder or kidney stones
  • Non-infectious bladder inflammation (sterile cystitis)
  • A “foreign body”
Take your pet to the vet immediately if these symptoms present.
Additionally, dogs with Cushing's disease repeatedly treated with steroids or catheterized dogs are at an increased risk for E. coli-related bacterial UTIs.

A traditional veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics, urinary acidifiers, or increased water intake for UTIs.

However, a veterinarian trained in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) may recommend the addition of a holistic supplement, such as PET | TAO's Soothe Bladder Supplement. 


  • cranberry - reduces the risk of UTIs
  • juniper berry - helps the body flush out uric acid and excess crystals
  • marshmallow root - soothes inflamed tissues and protects tissues while passing stones
  • uva ursi - eases swelling of the bladder and urinary tract
  • kochia - soothes inflammation and promotes urination
  • poria - promotes urination
  • polyporus - promotes urination and detoxifies



Cranberries have a history of medicinal use dating back hundreds of years.
In 1578, herbalist Henry Lyte documented using cranberries to treat a variety of diseases.

Native Americans on the East coast of the U.S. also used cranberries medicinally.

In the 1840s, German scientists discovered the benefits of cranberries on the urinary tract.

By the 1930s, scientists were studying cranberries in clinical trials.
Cranberries contain a multitude of beneficial compounds and vitamins.
For example, cranberries get their color from anthocyanins pigments, which have a stronger antioxidant power than vitamin E.

Anthocyanins are anti-inflammatory and lessen allergies.
Cranberries also contain proanthocyanidins, an antioxidant helping improve blood vessels and the delivery of oxygen to cell membranes.

study in 2007 revealed the “anti-adhesion” properties of proanthocyanidins.
Additionally, cranberries contain:
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin K
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin C
  • Tannins
In 1984, a study of people and mice showed consuming cranberry juice prevented E. coli bacteria from colonizing on cell walls.


Junipers are coniferous plants ranging in size from tall trees to low-spreading shrubs.
The juniper berry is actually the female seed cone, which looks similar to a blueberry but may be red or orange in color.

Medical professionals administered juniper berries medicinally in Europe dating back 200 years ago.
Juniper berries historically treat tapeworms, colic, urinary. and gastrointestinal infections.

Juniper berries are excellent for treating UTIs.
Their antibacterial and antifungal properties fight the infection, while a volatile oil component of the berry called terpinen-4-ol helps filter the kidneys.
In fact, studies reveal juniper berry oil could fight bacteria and fungi resistant to antibiotics.

The berries’ diuretic effect increases urine flow, helping to flush out infection by diluting the urine and cleansing the bacteria.
Juniper berries are also anti-inflammatory, providing pain relief for bladder infections and UTIs.

The berries’ antioxidant effect is proven in scientific studies.
The oil can boost antioxidants in the body such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase.

Glutathione peroxidase is linked to the prevention of diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Additionally, juniper berries are high in flavonoids and polyphenols, with strong free radical fighting capabilities.


The Greek name for marshmallow root is Althea, which means “to heal.”
Not to be confused with the marshmallows we see in the grocery store, which no longer contain the plant, Greek physician Hippocrates used marshmallow root to heal wounds.

In the Middle Ages, physicians administered the sap of the plant in a tea to soothe colds and sore throats.

Marshmallow root is also used to treat asthma and blood sugar management for diabetics.

Marshmallow root is an antimicrobial, demulcent, emollient, hypoglycemic, and immunostimulant.

Demulcents form a soothing film over a mucous membrane.
According to one study, the demulcent property of marshmallow root soothes membranes.

Mature marshmallow roots contain as much as 35% mucilage, a gelatinous solution from plant roots, making it useful for treating internal mucous membranes.
The mucilage provides a protective barrier between membranes, such as the lining of the bladder and irritants.

Marshmallow root also acts as a diuretic, increasing the flow of urine.
The plant helps minimize discomfort associated with kidney stones.
Marshmallow root is beneficial when combined with other diuretic herbs for kidney treatments or urinary problems.


Uva ursi, also known as Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, is a plant with leaves used for medicine.

“Uva ursi” means “bear’s grape” in Latin because bears enjoy eating the fruit of the plant.

Uva ursi is known for its uses with urinary tract disorders such as kidney and bladder infections.

Uva ursi contains a compound called arbutin.
In a high-acid urinary tract, the natural chemical compound becomes hydroquinone, an antiseptic, and glucose.

The high tannin content makes the plant a member of the Heath family and is helpful in urinary tract problems with minor bleeding in the urine.

In vitro studies using extracts of uva ursi leaf demonstrate antimicrobial activity against UTI-causing organisms such as C. Albicans, E. coli, S. aureus, Proteus Vulgaris, and others.

Uva Ursi is antilithic.

Antilithic plants help prevent the formation of stones in the urinary tract and remove those already formed.

Researchers differ opinions on whether antilithic herbs dissolve stones or aid the body in passing them by promoting urine flow to flush kidneys.

Herbalists recommend using antilithics in conjunction with demulcent and anti-microbial herbs such as marshmallow root, which is in PET | TAO’s Soothe Bladder Supplement.

In one study, prophylactic use of uva ursi extract over a period of a year proved effective in preventing recurrent cystitis.

Does the Soothe Bladder Supplement Have Side Effects?

Contact your veterinarian before giving your pet any supplement.

Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven.

Use with caution in animals on steroids, with cardiac issues, or with kidney issues.
Stop product administration and consult your veterinarian if the animal's condition worsens or does not improve.

Due to the tasty nature of our products, please do not leave products unattended around pets.

PET | TAO’s Soothe Bladder Supplement should not negatively impact your pet.
If you notice any harmful side effects, please consult your veterinarian immediately.
Formulated with an optimal blend of natural botanicals and mushrooms to support overall urinary tract health and to help maintain normal urine pH.
  • Uva ursi
  • Juniper Berry
  • Cranberry
  • Marshmallow Root


Active Ingredients per 1.7 g tablet:

  • Uva ursi – 210 mg
  • Cranberry Juice Extract – 105 mg
  • Juniper Berry – 105 mg
  • Marshmallow Root Powder – 105 mg
  • Kochia – 79 mg
  • Poria – 79 mg
  • Polyporus Extract – 53 mg

INACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Dicalcium Phosphate, Distilled Monoglycerides, Magnesium Stearate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Natural Flavoring, Silicon Dioxide.

For use in dogs over the age of 12 weeks and adult cats. (For kittens, consult your veterinarian.)


Adult cats - 1/2 tablet Twice Daily
Up to 25 lbs. – 1 Tablet Twice Daily
26 to 50 lbs. – 2 Tablets Twice Daily
Over 50 lbs. – 3 Tablets Twice Daily

Pets should be eating moist food and drinking plenty of liquids.
Use only as directed by your veterinarian. Responses to supplements may vary by animal.

CAUTIONS: If animal's condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian. Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven. Administer during or after the animal has eaten to reduce incidence of gastrointestinal upset. Not for long term use. Contraindicated with kidney disorders and conditions giving rise to acidic urine. Use with caution in renal disease. Absorption of drugs taken simultaneously may be delayed. 

WARNINGS: Not for human consumption. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. In case of accidental overdose, contact a health professional immediately. 

People Also Ask:

What is PET | TAO Soothe Bladder Supplement?

PET | TAO Soothe Bladder is a holistic supplement designed to support urinary tract health in dogs and cats. It contains natural ingredients like cranberry, juniper berry, marshmallow root, and uva ursi to help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and soothe inflammation.

Is PET | TAO Soothe Bladder safe for cats?

Yes, Soothe Bladder is safe for cats and dogs. However, cats are more discerning eaters, so it's recommended that they crush the half tablet and mix it with their food.

What symptoms indicate my pet might benefit from Soothe Bladder?

Symptoms that may indicate the need for Soothe Bladder include accidents in the house, dark and cloudy urine, blood in the urine, straining to urinate, increased water intake, licking of urinary openings, lethargy, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

What are the main ingredients in Soothe Bladder, and how do they help?

Soothe Bladder contains cranberry (reduces UTI risk), juniper berry (flushes out uric acid and excess crystals), marshmallow root (soothes and protects tissues), uva ursi (eases bladder and urinary tract swelling), kochia (soothes inflammation and promotes urination), poria, and polyporus (both promote urination and detoxify).

How should I administer Soothe Bladder to my pet?

For adult cats, give 1/2 tablet twice daily. For dogs: up to 25 lbs. - 1 tablet twice daily; 26 to 50 lbs. - 2 tablets twice daily; over 50 lbs. - 3 tablets twice daily. Ensure pets are eating moist food and drinking plenty of liquids. Use only as directed by your veterinarian.

Are there any side effects of using Soothe Bladder?

While Soothe Bladder is formulated to be safe, some pets may experience gastrointestinal upset. If your pet's condition worsens or does not improve, stop the product and consult your veterinarian. Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven.

Can Soothe Bladder be used long-term?

Soothe Bladder is not recommended for long-term use. It should be used as directed by your veterinarian, especially in pets with kidney disorders or conditions giving rise to acidic urine.

How does Soothe Bladder compare to traditional UTI treatments?

Traditional treatments for UTIs may include antibiotics, urinary acidifiers, and increased water intake. Soothe Bladder offers a holistic alternative, utilizing natural ingredients to support urinary tract health and reduce inflammation, complementing traditional treatments.

Is Soothe Bladder effective for pets with Cushing's disease or those on steroids?

Pets with Cushing's disease or those repeatedly treated with steroids are at an increased risk for E. coli-related bacterial UTIs. Soothe Bladder can help support urinary tract health in these pets, but consult your veterinarian for specific guidance.

What precautions should I take when using Soothe Bladder?

Administer the supplement during or after meals to reduce gastrointestinal upset. Use caution in pets with renal disease. Drugs taken simultaneously may delay absorption. Keep the product out of reach of children and animals, and in case of accidental overdose, contact a health professional immediately.



Ask a Question
  • How long should it take to see improvement if given to a dog with a current confirmed infection that was not cleared with antibiotics?

    Thank you for your question! We usually see improvement in 3 weeks. If there is no improvement at that point, then we recommend your dog be checked by your veterinarian for other issues like bladder stones, a tumor, or another underlying problem. Thank you for supporting Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine!

  • Hello, I have a 16 year old cat that has mild renal insufficiency normal for her age and otherwise very healthy and active. She has had occasional UTI's most of her life. Over that past 2 years I have had her treated for UTI symptoms such as urinating outside the litter box, lethargy, and howling during urination about every 3 to 4 months. Sometimes there is bacteria in her urine and other times blood and sometimes there is little evidence but she is treated with an antibiotic prophylactically. Would the Sooth bladder be safe for a cat her age with mild slightly elevated BUN and srcr and what would be the recommended dose?

    Thank you for your question! Dr. Smith and Dr. Damron have experienced success with Soothe Bladder in their patients with similar cases as yours. The herbs in Soothe Bladder can help support your cat by making the bladder's environment less hospitable to bacteria. We recommend following the dosing on the package. If your cat is less than 5 pounds, we recommend splitting the dose in half. Thank you for supporting Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine!

  • Good afternoon How long can Sooth Bladder be given to a dog? I thought UVA Ursi should only be used short term not long term? Thank you

    Thank you for your question! Soothe Bladder can be given long-term for prevention and maintenance of bladder issues. Uva Ursi is a powerful astringent, but since it's combined with antilithic herbs with demulcent and anti-microbial herbs such as marshmallow root in Soothe Bladder, the formula makes it safe to administer long term.

  • Hi, Is this product available to purchase anywhere is Australia? This product, along with the other herbal formulas for dog urinary/bladder issues, is what I'm after but cannot find anywhere else. Thanks!

    Hi there, thank you for your question! We are currently working on expanding PET | TAO shipping internationally from the US. It's not located at any vet clinics or stores in Australia yet. If you're interested in PET | TAO food, treats or supplements, please fill out our contact form and provide your address and we'll get you a shipping estimate and see what ingredients are allowed to be imported. It may take us a few days to look into these regulations. If you already know what you're allowed to import, please let us know as this will speed up the process. If you're interested in Jing Tang herbals, these may already be available in Australia. We recommend contacting the Chi Institute in Australia at this link to see if there are any vets in Australia who carry the herbs:

  • Could this be given to a cat, perhaps at a smaller dose?

    Thank you for your question! PET | TAO Soothe Bladder is safe for cats. It comes in chewable tablets, which you can crush and mix into food, if you'd like! You can give one tablet twice daily for cats. Here's some more information about the ingredients in this soothing product: 
    Marshmallow root:
    Uva Ursi:
    Juniper Berry:

  • When will this product be available?

    Hi there! This product should be available in about a week. Thank you for your patience.

  • Hello! I’m wondering if my 14 year old diabetic dog (controlled for 3 years) would be able to take this blend prophylactically? She has been free from bladder infections, but recently has had two within a month of each other. She is a spayed Aussie/Border/Kepie mix

    Thanks for your question! Dogs often take PET | TAO Soothe Bladder as a preventative measure in addition to taking it during episodes of infection.

    We also recommend PET | TAO Freeze Dried Beef Kidney (3-5 pieces a day) to support normal urinary tract and bladder health.

    Here is a link to some more articles about this wonderful supplement:

  • Why is kochia in this if when searching online it says it's toxic and poisonous to dogs?? I'm really interested in this product but that ingredient is holding me back, as I don't want to make my pet sick or kill her.

    Hi, thank you for your question!

    Yes, kochia (Kochia scoparia) can be toxic to dogs if eaten in large quantities and can cause nausea, vomiting, and liver and kidney issues. But to be toxic the dog would have to eat a very large amount of the plant. However, when used at a small dosage like in Soothe Bladder, it is used medicinally to treat inflammation and promote urination.

    Kochia has been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for thousands of years to treat skin, eyes, and urinary tract diseases. Kochia is also currently used as herbal medicine in many pet supplements and TCVM herbs. Kochia is an excellent herb when used at the correct dosage.

    Soothe Bladder was created by the TCVM-trained holistic veterinarian Ihor Basko and carries the NASC (National Animal Supplement Council) Seal. The National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) Quality Seal on a product indicates that the manufacturer has met the NASC's strict standards for quality assurance. The seal is a way for consumers to know that the company they are buying from is reputable and complies with regulations from an unbiased third-party regulatory entity. In addition, our founding veterinarians have been recommending Soothe Bladder in their clinic for many years, and it has always helped, never harmed.

    Thank you for supporting Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine!

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Lee Mallatratt
Unable to give review

Unfortunately my amazing dog, Hank, passed on August 9,2024 from his Cushing's disease. I was giving him the product but his disease was already so advanced by the time I found TAO BS that I cannot determine whether or not it was helping.

Best bladder supplement for my dog

I’ve tried others from reputable brands but this is the only one that keeps my female dog’s bladder healthy as evidenced by no accidents and fully emptying. Please don’t ever discontinue this!

Still Monitoring Results

So far I have seen some improvement. But to clarify in addition to this supplement I am also using a Chinese supplement and the kidney treats. Waiting to see if this completely solves our issues. Praying for a miracle.

E Altman
Great product!

My mini schnauzer has recently developed Cushings and one of the symptoms is blood in the urine. This product has given her bladder the support it needs and I no longer see blood or dark cloudy urine. Thank you for a great product. I will reorder.

Maryann Scalise

My 10 year old basset is thankful for the help she gets with her cystitis and this product surely does.