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Inside Scoop: TCVM Veterinarians Share Holistic Cat Renal Failure Protocol

Inside Scoop: TCVM Veterinarians Share Holistic Cat Renal Failure Protocol

Sadly, chronic kidney disease affects more than 30% of older cats.

There are many different factors that contribute to chronic kidney disease.

But, the most common and most preventable cause is commercial dry cat food. 

When a cat eats a diet of only kibble, they suffer from chronic dehydration. And, over, time the chronic dehydration overstresses the kidneys and leads to kidney disease.

In this article, we're sharing the cat renal failure protocol TCVM veterinarians Dr. Marc Smith and Dr. Casey Damron, recommend in their Tennessee clinics.

Unfortunately, renal failure is a permanent condition. In other words, you'll never make it go away. 

However, the good news is there are many things you can do at home to help your cat feel better and have improved quality of life.

What Does Cat Renal Failure Look Like?

It's often difficult to detect the early stages of renal failure because of their similarities to other disorders like diabetes and hyperthyroidism.

Unfortunately, renal failure is a progressive disease. And, symptoms may not be apparent for a long time. 

The most common signs of cat renal failure are:

  • bad breath
  • bloody or cloudy urine
  • depression and lethargy
  • diarrhea or constipation
  • frequent or no urination
  • increased sleeping
  • increased thirst
  • poor coat appearance
  • reduced appetite
  • sore mouth and ulcers
  • vomiting
  • weight loss

Of course, you can only obtain a definitive renal failure diagnosis from your vet and through testing. 

Cat Renal Failure Protocol Step #1: Learn More About Kidney Disease

If you are new renal failure and are still learning how it affects your cat, you should get a free copy of our ebook Help! My Cat Has Renal Failure: How Kitty Can Still Live A Healthy, Happy Life.

Holistic veterinarians, Dr. Casey Damron and Dr. Marc Smith wrote the manual with you in mind. The book explains what's going on and how your cat feels, and offers information on things you can do at home to help.

Cat Renal Failure Protocol Step #2: Keep Your Cat Hydrated

It's really important to keep your cat hydrated. As mentioned earlier, trade in the kibble for a wet food diet.

Encourage your cat to drink more by mixing sodium-free or low-sodium chicken broth with your cat's water.

At certain stages, vets often recommend giving subcutaneous fluids. Most cats tolerate subcutaneous fluids quite well. 

And, giving subcutaneous fluids is something you can easily learn to do at home.

Cat Renal Failure Protocol Step #3: Try a Homemade Diet

Feeding the appropriate food will make a huge difference in how your cat feels. 

Dr. Smith and Dr. Damron have several recipes they recommend for cats suffering from kidney disease. 

See Cat Renal Failure Slow Cooker Recipes on the PET | TAO Website

Cat Renal Failure Protocol Step #4: Supplement With Epakitin

There is an over-the-counter product, called Epakitin, that many vets recommend to help cats suffering from kidney disease.

Epakitin is a chitosan-based phosphate binder to support normal kidney function and health. 

It can help reduce kidney damage by limiting phosphorous absorption.

The main ingredient in Epakitin, chitosan, also helps filter out the toxins that the diseased kidneys are having trouble filtering.

As with any supplement, please check with your veterinarian before using Epakitin.

Learn More About Epakitin

Cat Renal Failure Protocol Step #5: Try a TCVM Herbal Formula

Most people are unfamiliar with TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine). 

TCVM, with its specialized herbal formulas, is an amazing tool for helping cats suffering from chronic conditions like kidney disease. 

The reason TCVM works so well is its philosophy of treating the pet as a "whole" and working on the root causes of the health condition. 

TCVM offers herbal formulas specifically to help cats in renal failure. 

A  couple of good examples are Liu Wei Di Huang San and Rehmannia 6.

TCVM herbal formulas require a veterinary authorization because there are several different TCVM herbal formulas to help cats suffering from renal failure.

A TCVM exam or telemedicine consultation is needed to determine the best formula for each cat's particular health situation.

Need Extra Help for Your Special Needs Cat?

If you ever feel like you need extra help in managing cat renal failure naturally or with TCVM herbal blends we can help.

TCVM Pet Supply co-founding veterinarians, Dr. Marc Smith and Dr. Casey Damron, offer TCVM telemedicine consultations.

If you get a TCVM telemedicine consultation ($125), you'll get personalized TCVM recommendations specific to your pet, including:

  • TCVM Evaluation
  • Food Therapy Recommendations 
  • TCVM Herb Recommendations & Veterinary Authorization
  • Supplement Recommendations
  • Alternative Medicine Recommendations

If you reside in the Middle Tennessee area or would like to commute, you may choose an in-clinic appointment instead.

You can learn more about each vet and contact the clinic you prefer directly:

We hope this information helps you, and wish you the best in helping your cat feel better. 

If you have any other questions or if we can help you in any way, just let us know!


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